Sunday, September 2, 2012

Notting Hill Carnival

Last week my flatmates and I went to check out the Notting Hill Carnival which its said to be the largest carnival or festival in Europe. It was one of the craziest experiences I have ever had. It was almost like the taste of Chicago times 100. There were street venders at every corner and all along the streets. There were also block parties every three blocks with new DJs or singers/performers from all over the world. While it was not what any of us were anticipating it was certainly a nice surprise! I am beginning to realize that London is full of wonderful surprises. One of my favorite things about the city so far is how much effort is put into the community building activities such as festivals, carnivals, and other free out door activities. There truly is never a moment in time when someone can say there is nothing to do. Perhaps that simply is because I am a tourist.... Regardless I excited for many more adventures!