Tuesday, September 11, 2012


It amazes me each day how easy it is to spot other Americans or how often people ask me where I'm from because of my "accent." It is so different being the foreigner with an accent. But at the same time, it's kind of cool. I love it when the English try to imitate us and put on "American accents" and fail miserably. The other day, we were at a pub and were asked how often we eat Lucky Charms and Twinkies, everyday? twice a day? did we have any with us? I honestly cant remember the last time I had either. But here they are "to die for!" I am also surprised by how expensive pastries and sweets are here. Back at home it's what? a dozen crispy creams for a few dollars? Here its 1 donut for 1 pound+... There's no wonder why the English are much more health conscience, except that everyone here appears to smoke "cancer sticks." The other day I passed a man on the way to school smoking a cigarette. On the way back, a few hours later, he was there smoking a cigarette. Perhaps he never moved? or the logical explanation he couldn't go a few hours before having to smoke another... There are so many cultural differences and stereotypes that I am beginning to both notice and disprove. 

Also, I have to say I was insulted by many of the "stupid american" jokes. We went to a festival the other day where a Magician was counting to three in many languages and upon getting to America claims that we count "1.... um.... um.... oh yeah.... theres another 1.... and um... another 1?" That was just one of the many other inappropriate jokes that were made. Well this picture below just goes to show that ignorance and illiteracy exists all around the world, not just in America. 

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